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Email automation

Parse, process and react to incoming emails. Automatically convert email to database

ThinkAutomation is an advanced email & message parser. It can scan any sort of message and look for & extract (parse) data which it then assigns to a 'field' name.

The parsing process can be as simple as 'Look For 'First Name' then '=' and extract until the end of the line'. Or it can be more complex, making use of regular expressions and repeating blocks.

ThinkAutomation can also extract fields from Json data.

Once a field is extracted ThinkAutomation can remove leading & trailing spaces, change the case and perform other transformation actions. You can also combine multiple fields into one (eg: First Name + Last Name) and perform validation actions on the field values.

Any number of fields can be parsed & extracted from a single message. These fields can then be used on subsequent actions within an Automation.

Extract Field Screenshot

ThinkAutomation will automatically convert HTML only emails to plain text. It can also parse & extract text from PDF, Word and other documents. Text can be extracted from image files and attachments using OCR.

Update A Database

Email To Database

Extracted fields can be mapped to database table and column names. ThinkAutomation will then automatically create the required SQL commands to update your database.

You can also create custom database update actions if you need finer control.

ThinkAutomation can connect to Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, Firebird, MS Access, MS Excel and MongoDB databases out of the box, plus any ODBC data source.

Once configured, ThinkAutomation can process all your incoming email, parse & extract the data you need and update your company databases, silently and in the background.

ThinkAutomation can also execute other actions that make use of extracted fields. ThinkAutomation can send outgoing emails (an 'Auto Response') using fields parsed and extracted from the incoming. It can create documents that can be attached to outgoing emails.

Hundreds of combinations

Email parsing can be a simple one step process, or it can involve a chain of actions as part of a larger workflow. You define the rules, and ThinkAutomation executes them.

You set up your email parsing workflows using conditional processing. (If this, then that.) For example:

If Then Else
If sender is an existing customer Update the customer CRM record Create a new CRM record with extracted data
If the subject contains 'support' AND the email is high importance Forward the email to the support team Create a support ticket with the email content
If the sender is a customer AND the email contains a PDF attachment Extract the content and save to a database Upload the attachment to the customer's folder on OneDrive
email arrives

1. Email arrives

Your inbound emails all pass through ThinkAutomation


2. Parsed by ThinkAutomation

ThinkAutomation searches for keywords, identifies context and extracts key information


3. Automate

Email data is then synced to the right place in your systems, based on rule-based logic

Update A Database
Create CRM Record
Save Attachments To OneDrive
Create A PDF Document
Send Slack Message
Send Email

Ready to automate your email processing?

Ease your email admin with a free trial of ThinkAutomation

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thinkautomation interface screenshot