Automation Action: Send Slack Message

Send a message to a Slack channel.

Send a message and/or files to a Slack channel. Slack is a messaging and collaboration platform.
See: for more information.

Before you can use this action you must first authorize ThinkAutomation to connect to Slack. Click the Connect button and enter your Slack username/password. You will then be asked if you want to allow ThinkAutomation to be able to post messages to Slack.

Once connected your team name & domain will be shown

You can post messages and/or upload files to any of your team channels that the authorized user has access to.

Posting A Message

Enter the Send Message text you want to post. Leave this blank if you only want to upload files.

Uploading Files

Expand the Select Files box and enter or select the file you want to upload. This can be a single file or a comma separated list. %variable% replacements can also be used if you want to upload files created from previous actions. You can also optionally Include Incoming Attachments. Enter the Mask for the attachment types to upload (eg: *.pdf).

If the Post The Message From The Authenticated User option is enabled then the post will be from the Slack user you connected with, otherwise the post will show as from a bot called ThinkAutomation.

Select the channel you want to post the message/files to from the Post To Channel drop down - this will list all the channels available to your team.

You can assign the result of the post to a variable. Select from the Assign Response To dropdown. If the post was successful the response will be 'Ok'. Otherwise it will contain an error message.