Automation Action: Send Appointment

Automate appointment creation in any iCalendar compatible calendar server.

The Send Appointment automation action can be used to create an appointment in any iCalendar compatible Calendar Server, send an iCalendar compatible appointment request as an email attachment or save the appointment to a file which can be attached to an email on a subsequent action.

iCalendar is used and supported by a large number of products, including Google Calendar, Apple iCal, Lotus Notes, Yahoo Calendar, Microsoft Outlook and others.

The Send As drop down has three options:

  1. Send Directly To An iCalendar Server: This option allows you to post directly to an iCalendar Server using the CalDav protocol. You need to specify the URL of the server to post to. This URL will depend on the Calendar Server you are using.

    For Google Calendars use:{googlemailaddress}/events/ - and use your Google user name/password.

    You may need to specify a User Name and Password and Authentication mode if the iCalendar Server requires a login first. Login to your iCalendar Server to obtain the iCal address.

  2. Send To An Email Recipient: With this option you specify an email address. The appointment will be sent as an attachment with the .ics extension. Most Calendar applications will import this directly when the recipient opens the attachment.

  3. Save To File: Saves the Appointment to a local file with an .ics extension. You can then use this as an attachment on other Send Email actions.

All remaining text fields can use %variable% replacements.

You must specify the Attendees as email addresses. Multiple addresses can be separated by commas.

The Categories, Location, Subject & Description fields are optional.

The Organizer must be specified as an email address.

The Start Date/Time and End Date/Time can use %variable% replacements if required. If a Start/End Date is given as a %variable% replacement then the variable contents must be able to be interpreted as a date.