Automation Action: Normalize Phone Number

Convert a phone number to the correct internationalized version.

Formats a phone number for international or domestic use.

Takes any phone number and adds or removes the international dialing code for the specified country. It also removes any spaces, dashes or parenthesis.

Specify the Phone Number. This can be a field or variable. The first phone number found in the text specified will be used.

Specify the Country Code/Name. This can also be a variable. You can use the full country name eg: United Kingdom, or the country code, eg: GB

Enable the Make International option to return the full international phone number. Otherwise the domestic number will be returned.

Select the variable to assign the result to from the Assign To list.

This action is useful when using the Twilio actions, or for normalizing phone numbers before being recorded in a database.

International phone numbers will be returned in the format:



(407) 488 2019 for United States becomes: +14074882019

01782-822577 for United Kingdom becomes: +441782822577

Eg for domestic numbers:

+44 1782 822577 for United Kingdom becomes: 01782822577

If the country specified does not exist then the phone number will be returned blank.