Automation Action: Lookup From Excel

Lookup specific cell and cell range values from an Excel file and assign to variables.

The Lookup From Excel automation action can be used to read specific cell and cell range values from an Excel compatible spreadsheet file and assign returned values to multiple ThinkAutomation variables. The values can then be used further in your automation workflow.

Enter or select the Excel File Name to read. You can optionally specify a Password if the Excel file is password protected.

In the Cell Assignments grid you can list one or more Cell References to read from the Excel file. For each you can specify the Worksheet. If the Worksheet is blank then the first worksheet will be used. In the Assign To column specify the ThinkAutomation variable to receive the value of the specified cell reference.

Cell References can be a single cell (eg: B12), a cell range or a Named Range/Named Cell. In Excel you can define a Name for a range or cell so that if rows/columns are inserted before it, the 'Name' still references the existing cells even though their row/column references may have changed. This is useful if you need to read a total cell where new rows are added regularly.

Cell Reference Examples
B12 Returns the single cell value for cell B12.
A1:C3 Range that includes cells from top-left cell A1 to the bottom-right cell C3.
B3:F{last} Range that includes cells from top-left cell B3 to the last row bottom-right cell F
A:A Range that includes the entire column A.
A:C Range that includes the entire columns from A to C.
1:1 Range that includes the entire row 1.
1:3 Range that includes the entire rows from 1 to 3.
3:{last} Range that includes the entire rows from 3 to the last row in the sheet.

Cell Ranges To CSV Text

When a cell reference is specified that returns multiple cells, the data will be returned as CSV text, with the number of rows and columns depending on the selected range (without column headers, unless the range itself starts with the column headers).

You can use the {last} marker in ranges to use the highest available row number.

Enable the Compress CSV option if you want to remove any blank rows and columns from any CSV data extracted from cell ranges.