Automation Action: Get User Presence

Get current presence information (availability and activity) for one or more users.

Get current presence information (availability and activity) for one or more users. This action reads presence information for Microsoft Teams users.

Click the Sign In button to sign-in to Office 365.

In the User Names entry enter one or more Office 365 user names that you want to read presence information for. This will usually be the user's login email address. Separate multiple users with commas or one per line. Up to 260 users can be specified per request.

Enable Return Only Presence option if you only want to return current presence, otherwise the username, displayname, current presence and current activity is returned (for each user).

Return As

The result can be returned as CSV, Markdown table or JSON.

For example:


Username,DisplayName,Availability,Activity,Howard Williams,BusyIdle,Busy,Benjamin Wilshaw,Available,Available,Liam Dobbs,Offline,Offline            


| Username                                   | Display Name      | Availability | Activity  |
|           | Howard Williams   | BusyIdle     | Busy      |
| | Benjamin Wilshaw  | Available    | Available |
|       | Liam Dobbs        | Offline      | Offline   |


    "Username": "",
    "DisplayName": "Howard Williams",
    "Availability": "BusyIdle",
    "Activity": "Busy"
    "Username": "",
    "DisplayName": "Benjamin Wilshaw",
    "Availability": "Available",
    "Activity": "Available"
    "Username": "",
    "DisplayName": "Liam Dobbs",
    "Availability": "Offline",
    "Activity": "Offline"

If you enable Return Only Presence and Return As CSV and get the presence for a single user then a single text value will be returned with that users current presence only.

The presence (Availability) will be one of: Available, AvailableIdle, Away, BeRightBack, Busy, BusyIdle, DoNotDisturb, Offline, PresenceUnknown.

The Activity will be one of: Available, Away, BeRightBack, Busy, DoNotDisturb, InACall, InAConferenceCall, Inactive, InAMeeting, Offline, OffWork, OutOfOffice, PresenceUnknown, Presenting, UrgentInterruptionsOnly.

Select the variable to receive the results from the Assign To list.