Automation Action: Extract Email Signature

Parse contact and company information from email signature footers.

Parses contact and company information from email signature footers.

ThinkAutomation will parse the email text and extract the footer block. From this it attempts to extract the following:

  • Name
  • Known As
  • Title
  • Company Name
  • Address
  • Company Number
  • VAT Number
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Other Phone Numbers
  • Web Address
  • Unsubscribe Link
  • Privacy Policy Link
  • Social Links
  • Other Links
  • Footer Text
  • Pre-Signature Text (the body text before the signature part)

In the Assign Signature Info grid, select the Property name and the variable you want to assign the value to.

The complete signature block Json can also be assigned. Select from the Assign Json To list.

For example, consider the following email text:

Please find attached the report you requested.
Kind regards,
Senior Accountant
p: +44 (0)330 0882 943 | US (800) 680 7712
This email is from Parker Software Ltd.
Victoria Business Park, Prospect Way, Knypersley, Staffordshire, ST8 7PL.
Registered in England & Wales No. 4525820.            

The email signature would be extracted as:

  "FirstName": "Clare",
  "LastName": "",
  "Name": "Clare",
  "KnownAs": "",
  "Title": "Senior Accountant",
  "Company": "Parker Software Ltd",
  "Address": [
    "Victoria Business Park",
    "Prospect Way",
  "State": "England",
  "StateCode": "",
  "PostCode": "ST8 7PL",
  "Country": "United Kingdom",
  "CompanyNumber": "4525820",
  "VatNumber": "",
  "EmailFrom": "",
  "Email": "",
  "Phone": "+44 0 330 0882 943",
  "MobilePhone": "",
  "OtherPhoneNumbers": [
    "800 680 7712"
  "WebAddress": "",
  "UnsubscribeLink": "",
  "PrivacyPolicyLink": "",
  "GoogleMapsLink": "",
  "SocialLinks": null,
  "OtherLinks": [
  "Text": "Clare\r\nSenior Accountant\r\np: +44 (0)330 0882 943 | US (800) 680 7712\r\ne:\r\nw:\r\n\r\n\r\nThis email is from Parker Software Ltd.\r\nVictoria Business Park, Prospect Way, Knypersley, Staffordshire, ST8 7PL.\r\nRegistered in England and Wales No. 4525820.\r\n",
  "PreSignatureText": "Hi,\r\n\r\nPlease find attached the report you requested.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\nClare \r\n"

The above Json can also be referenced directly using the %Msg_SignatureJson% built-in variable without using this action.

The amount of information extracted will depend on the email footer (if any). This action can be used on any type of email, however the accuracy will be better for non-marketing type emails. Currently only English text is supported.