The Compression automation action can be used to create a Zip compatible archive file for attachments or files/folders. You can then use the updated ZIP file further in your automation workflow. Can also be used to unzip files.
This action is used both to zip and unzip files.
Compressing Files/Attachments
To create a Zip file select Compress.
Select the Zip File Path to save the Zip file to and enter the Zip File Name. You can use %variable% replacements here. If a %variable% replacement is used for the Zip File Name (for example %msg_subject%) it will first be converted into a valid file name. If no extension exists then .zip will be used.
Enable Create New if you want a new zip file creating. If this option is not selected and an existing Zip file already exists then the new files will be added to it.
Optionally specify a Password if you want to password protect the Zip file.
Enable the Zip Attachments option if you want to compress files attached to the incoming message. You can specify a File Mask if you want to only compress files of a certain type (eg: *.pdf).
Select the local Folder and File Mask for other files you want to add to the Zip file.
The File Mask entry can contain multiple masks, separated by commas (eg: *.pdf, ThisDoc.docx, *.xlsx).
The Exclusions entry can contain filenames and masks that you want to exclude from the zip file. Separate multiple with commas.
Enable the Delete Zip After Message Is Processed option if you want ThinkAutomation to delete the Zip file after the Automation has finished executing actions for the current message. This is useful if you are creating a Zip file to send with an outgoing message and the Zip file is not needed to be kept afterward's.
Select the variable that you want the Zip file path to be assigned to from the Assign To list. You can then use this on further actions - for example on the Attach entry of outgoing messages.
To unzip and existing Zip file select Decompress.
Select the Zip File Path and Zip File Name.
Specify a Password if the Zip file is password protected.
Enter a File Mask for the files you want unzipped - or specify *.* for all files.
The Exclusions entry can contain filenames and masks that you want to exclude from being unzipped. Separate multiple with commas.
Select the Unzip To Folder for the folder where you want the unzipped files placed.
Enable the Delete Unzipped Files After Message Is Processed option if you want ThinkAutomation to delete the unzipped files after the Automation has finished processing actions for the current message.
The unzipped files list can be returned to a variable. Select the variable from the Assign Unzipped Files To list. This will be a comma separated list of files with their full path.