Automation Action: Call A Soap Web Service

Execute a SOAP or .NET Web Service and assign the results to variables.

Executes a SOAP or .NET Web Service and returns the results to ThinkAutomation variables.

Method URI (Namespace)

This is the namespace of the web service. You can find the namespace by viewing the Web Service Definition (WSDL). For .NET Web Services view the .asmx page and click the Service Description link. The namespace will be shown in the targetNamespace element. .NET Web Services have a default namespace of You should change this before making your web services public.

Method Name

This is the name of the method you want to call. You can view a list of available methods provided by the web service by viewing the asmx file.

Action URI

This defaults to the Method URI/Method name.

URL (asmx)

Enter the full public URL to the asmx page. You can use a secure address (https://) if required.

If your web services require a login before being accessed enter the User Name & Password and the Authentication type.

You must specify a value for all of the Parameters that the web service method expects. Enter the parameter Name and Value. For the value you can use %variable% replacements.

Assign Returned Value To

You can assign the returned value to a ThinkAutomation variable. Select the variable from the drop down list. If the web service returns a single value then this will be assigned to the variable. If the web service returns a complex data type - such as a DataSet - then then entire XML response will be assigned.

Output Parameters

If the web service returns output parameters then you can assign individual parameter values to ThinkAutomation fields or variables. If a parameter name specified is not returned as an output parameter then ThinkAutomation will scan the returned XML and extract the specified parameter name as a tag and assign to the tag value to the ThinkAutomation variable.