Automation Action: Azure File

Download or Upload files to Azure Storage shares.

Download or Upload files to Azure Storage shares.

Specify your Azure Storage Account Name and Access Key and click the Connect button to connect.

Select the Share that you want to upload to or download from.

Select Upload or Download from the Operation selector.


In the Remote Files navigator you can navigate folders and files in the Azure Share. Double-click a file to add it to the Download Files entry. Multiple files can be downloaded within the same action. Separate each file with a comma.

You can also specify the Downloaded Files directly by entering the paths (or use %variable% replacements). Each file must specify the full path (beginning with /).

Specify the Save To folder where you want the downloaded files saved to.

The Assign To variable will receive the local path/filename where the file(s) have been downloaded to. Multiple files will be separated by commas.


In the Remote Files navigator you can navigate folders and files in the Azure Share. Select the folder where you want to upload files to.

In the Upload Files entry enter or select the local files to upload (use %variable% replacements if required). Multiple files should be separated by commas.

You also have the option of uploading Attachments. Select the Include Incoming Attachments option and specify the Mask.

The Assign To variable be receive the Azure path names for the uploaded files(s). Multiple files will be separated by commas.