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Automation Action: GetAddress - Address Lookup

Custom Action Available From Library

This action supports for looking up addresses via postcode and then backfilling a particular address to retrieve the full information, using the getAddress.io API.

Setting the action to "Get Addresses for Postcode" requires a postcode to be entered with the "Value" field. Upon a successful request, a JSON object will be returned in the following format:

    "addresses": [
            "Address": "Parker Software Ltd, Victoria Business Park, Prospect Way, Knypersley, Stoke-on-Trent",
            "Reference": "OTBlODk3NjU2OTI3ZWVhIDI2NTQ5OTY3IDQ5NDA3OWYzOGQwNWYwYQ=="

The reference within an address can then be used to backfill the address.

When backfilling the address, the action field must be set to "Backfill Reference" and the value field set to the reference from above. Upon a successful request, a JSON object will be returned in the following format:

    "postcode": "ST8 7PL",
    "latitude": 53.09685897827149,
    "longitude": -2.182495355606079,
    "formatted_address": [
        "Parker Software Ltd",
        "Victoria Business Park",
        "Prospect Way",
        "Knypersley, Stoke-on-Trent",
    "thoroughfare": "Prospect Way",
    "building_name": "Victoria Business Park",
    "sub_building_name": "Parker Software Ltd",
    "sub_building_number": "",
    "building_number": "",
    "line_1": "Parker Software Ltd",
    "line_2": "Victoria Business Park",
    "line_3": "Prospect Way",
    "line_4": "",
    "locality": "Knypersley",
    "town_or_city": "Stoke-on-Trent",
    "county": "Staffordshire",
    "district": "Staffordshire Moorlands",
    "country": "England",
    "residential": false

If a request fails, an empty response will be returned and the appropriate errors added to the log.