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Automation Action: Execute Secure Shell Command

Execute SSH commands against any host and assign the response to a variable.

Executes a command on a remote SSH Server. Most UNIX/Linux/Mac machines include an SSH Server. The output of the command can be returned to a variable.

Enter the Host Name IP Address or host name of the server you want to execute the command on.

Enter the Port. This defaults to 22. If no port is specified then the default will be used.

Enter the remote User Name & Password. This user must be allowed to execute remote commands on the host system.

Enter the Command Text to execute.

All entries can use %variable% replacements.

The result of the command can be returned to a variable. Specify the variable from the Assign Response To list.

Any errors generated by the command can also be returned to a variable. Select from the Assign Errors To list.

Showing A Notification On A Mac

The following command will display a notification on a Mac computer:

osascript -e 'display notification "Processed Message %msg_subject%" with title "ThinkAutomation" subtitle "%AccountName%" sound name "Default" '

Speaking Text On A Mac

The following command will speak the given text on a Mac computer:

say "you have received a new message from Think Automation!"
To enable the Remote SSH server on a Mac, use System Preferences - Sharing. Enable the 'Remote Login' option.