The ThinkAutomation Web Gateway

Secure public connectivity to your private on-premises Automations.

ThinkAutomation provides a public Web API that acts as a secure tunnel between web resources and your on-premises or self-hosted ThinkAutomation instance. When your ThinkAutomation Server starts, it makes a secure outbound connection to the ThinkAutomation Web API Gateway server. This allows your ThinkAutomation Server to receive public HTTP requests without being publicly accessible itself.

Create web forms and public chatbots in the ThinkAutomation Studio that can be embedded in your website. Web form submissions are sent to your Automations for instant processing.

Hookup 3rd party API webhooks, send web form data or create your own public API endpoints that connect to your Automations.


automation gateway

Keep databases and sensitive data sources on-site.

Securely use on-premises data in cloud services.

Process high volumes of data, without the usual cloud costs.

Automate the seamless flow of data across cloud and local endpoints

  • Connect any number of services in your stack together via ThinkAutomation.
  • Orchestrate the movement of data from point to point.
  • Build simple or complex automations to act on your data and handle processes.
  • Secure public endpoint for continuous data flows with cloud services.
  • Access on-premises data via secure public end-points.
API Gateway


Reserved web API instances available

Local and public API out of the box

No setup required

Support hybrid integration scenarios

support hybrid integration

Fast, secure, cost-effective processing

  • Connect hundreds of sources – from custom apps, to legacy systems, to cloud services, to local folders, and more
  • The automation gateway determines what data gets sent, and transmits it in an efficient, usable form
  • Automatic queuing during downtime
  • Create a chain of communication between disparate systems, and have them execute inter-app automations
  • Reduce cloud bandwidth needs and slash the usual costs associated with processing data in the cloud
  • Integrate systems from multiple sites without expensive VPN's
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