
Browse our latest articles about automation.

What is business process automation (BPA)
What Is business process automation? A guide to streamlining business workflows.
5 automation pitfalls to avoid
Automation is a fantastic tool for businesses, with multiple advantages to its implementation in almost all departments of your company. But that doesn’t mean that everyone knows what it is, what it can do, or how it works.
10 benefits of Automation
Automation helps businesses cut costs by reducing the resources needed to complete tasks.
RPA vs BPA costs
RPA costs too much. Automating routine manual processes should not cost three-figure sums.
The global process automation market statistics you need to know
Business automation - both RPA and BPA - is at an exciting stage of growth. The technology is now nearing the top of the bell curve in the technology adoption lifecycle, and about to break out into mainstream maturity.
In-house automation vs outsourced automation: the pros and cons
Should you automate your processes in-house, using your own time and resources? Or should you employ a specialist automation vendor or consultant to implement automation software for you?
Automation will save you from death by admin
Admin can be soul-sucking. From horrendous tedium, to sheer volume: we hate administrative tasks.
How to upskill for the automated future
As automation continues to reshape industries and redefine job roles, it's essential for professionals to adapt and prepare for the inevitable changes.
10 jobs lost to technology
Automation has brought numerous improvements to many of the job roles that have been lost to technology.
A history of databases
The history of databases dates back long before computers were invented.
Understanding the key MongoDB pros and cons
When it comes to choosing a database, MongoDB is one option that you may come across.
Celebrating Innovation: ThinkAutomation named as the Most Promising Workflow Solutions Provider of 2024 by CIOReview
We are thrilled to announce that CIOReview has named us the Most Promising Workflow Solutions Provider of 2024.
UiPath Alternative.
ThinkAutomation can be used alongside other BPA/RPA solutions, or as a replacement to.


Using ChatGPT with an on-premises knowledge store
Harnessing the power of conversational AI within a secure, on-premise environment is crucial for many businesses. This guide explores the technical and strategic aspects of using ChatGPT with on-premises data.
Will the AI singularity happen? Four arguments against it
The AI singularity is a potential future in which we see technology expand beyond human control.
A history of automation the rise of robots and AI
Automation and the rise of robots and AI have been a part of human history for centuries.
The AI black box problem
It's important to recognize that automation has many positive influences.

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